Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy New(ish) Year

By Dan Haring

2013 already? Almost February already? Holy cow. Well, happy new year everyone! I'm sorry for this being my first appearance here in a while. Work and writing and life have been pretty busy lately. We have about seven weeks to finish up the movie Epic, which is what I'm currently working on. I'm really excited about it, and you can check out the trailer here.

As far as writing is concerned, I'm just finishing up a pretty major revision on my MG fantasy book. It feels like I've been revising this book forever and I'm pretty sick of the process, but I have to admit it keeps getting better. So I'm definitely glad I did it, it just wasn't tons of fun. But that's the life, right? So hopefully this will be the version my agent feels is ready to go out into the world. Fingers crossed!

At the beginning of the year, you know, exactly four weeks ago, I did a quick check to see how I did on my 2012 revisions. Overall I did all right. Still didn't hit some things I really wanted to, but if felt like I put up a pretty good fight.

So I'm sitting at the (almost) beginning of another year, and I'm trying to come up with new goals for this year. I don't know if it's a copout or not, but I'm thinking about just keeping the goals I didn't hit from last year.

Honestly, right now I'm pretty happy with life. I have an amazing family, great job, and I'm able to write and do side projects. There's always room for growth and progress, and I want to keep striving for those. But right now I really just want to enjoy life, enjoy each day for what it is. I want to enjoy the little moments and not always be hoping and wishing and waiting for things.

Because hey, I'm alive for another day, and that's pretty cool. All the best to you and yours this coming year!


Jordan Dane said...

Love that trailer of EPIC, Dan. A great movie storyline for 3D. Thanks for sharing it.

Dan Haring said...

Thanks Jordan! I'm really excited for it to go out to the world. I think it's going to be a good one!

Jordan Dane said...

The plot is CLASSIC for kids (boys and girls), but it's a great one for YA lovers too. I definitely want to see it. I bet it will look GREAT in 3-D. So cool that you are involved in something like this. I can see how it feeds your creative juices.

Dan Haring said...

I haven't read the book, so I'm not sure how closely it follows it. (It's based on William Joyce's The Leaf Men.) But I agree, I think it's going to be great for all ages. We just watched a section of it and it's looking gorgeous. And yes, definitely inspires me daily :)