By Jordan Dane

I'm convinced cats are noble beings reincarnated into a beautiful and graceful creature with four legs and plenty of attitude. No one owns a cat. They allow you to live with them. They tolerate you. Their fierce independence is one of my favorite qualities of theirs. At the mere drop of a string, they are ready to play. And when they are happy, their purr sounds like a fine-tuned engine.
Here are TEN things I learned from my cat(s) about writing:
- 1.) Be suspicious of every character you meet, even the ones you live with. That keeps the tension going and readers won’t know who they can trust either.
2.) Suspense is all about anticipation of something bad about to happen, like when my cat stares behind me and makes me turn around. Without even a word, my cat can make me think a serial killer is creeping up on me. How do they do that? I’m still working on adapting that technique for my writing.
3.) If a scene gags you, think what it will do to the next guy. Cough it up and get rid of it. Some things are meant for the trash. When it’s a pile in front of you, you’ll know it when you see it. Then just walk away. This works in the litter box too.
4.) A cat knows pace. If there is a back story path that meanders across the top of a sofa or winds around legs in a prodding fashion, that is all well and good, but why not walk OVER people to get where you need to go and take the most direct route?
5.) Take naps. If you’re prone to writer’s block, a nap can’t hurt. There is nothing like a nap or basking in the sun to rejuvenate your perspective. Cats are specialists in looking out for numero uno. Learn from a master and take heed. Getting stressed out over things you can’t control is a waste of time and a distraction from your writing.
6.) Be a good observer of your surroundings. Narrow your eyes and really take a look around. Don’t take anything for granted. Everything is interesting when you narrow your eyes. Try it. (People who Botox should avoid this.)
7.) Look before you leap. If you pay attention, you’ll land on your feet with style and grace.
8.) Be flexible. It feels good to S-T-R-E-T-C-H yourself.
9.) Curiosity never killed anything.
10.) Climb your way to the top. Be fearless and maybe even cop an attitude. You can’t reach your dream if you think small and stay safe. Dare to take risks and have an adventure.
I’d love to hear your cat stories. I have two rescue cats – Pinot Grigio (yes, we named him when we were looking at a wine menu) and Foochie Focker (don’t ask).
What has your cat taught you?
Indigo Awakening by Jordan Dane voted the winner of "Best of 2012" Paranormal Category by BookTwirps
It's like Garfield says: "In the future, cats will rule the world. Still."
Somehow cats and writers fit together well, even when the annoying little buggers want to sit on the keyboard when you're trying to use it!
They're not into the keyboard, Sechin. They're after the mouse. Just sayin'
Oh, God, I love this!
Actually, Sechin, someone once said that cats would eat us if they were only big enough ;-)
You should write a book about that, Ilsa. *shiver*
It would explain why my yellow tabby keeps staring at me.
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