Sunday, October 6, 2013

Scarlett Letters And Concert Battle Scars

Concert season is upon us, or at least for me anyway. After catching The Lumineers on Thursday, it has taken me a little while to recover from the awesomeness that I had partaken in. My first outdoor concert was a success! Seven thousand people in a field was quite an experience, especially when a young man who was under the influence of more than one substance was waltzing about, dancing and singing in between songs.  Sure, there were many people who were just like him there, except this man was different. He ran right in front of me and stopped, then turned to face me and screamed "Morgan!" He stood for a moment after, then left to find someone else to talk to. I still have no idea who he was.

 Unfortunately, I must have a few --way more than a few-- annotated pages due tomorrow morning. But hey, I almost touched the lead singer so I am a happy camper.

Fan-girling aside, I get to enjoy the beautiful work of Nathaniel Hawthorne as you are reading this. First of all, I do not feel any sympathy for Hester Prynne. She enjoys putting herself in bad situations, or it at least appears that way. Second, this is nothing like Easy A. Very disappointing, but it was definitely expected to be different. Remember, this teenage girl mindset of mine scares me just as much as it scares everyone else.

Hester seems like she does not even want sympathy to be honest. She knew better than to do what she did, right? I mean, I get it. She thought her hubby was lost at sea so she needed to find someone else. That is fine and dandy. But, she could of waited just a little bit longer. It's been about two years, then he shows up as she is being publicly persecuted for adultery; great welcome home present. Oh, did I mention that she is dead-set on the idea that her child is some sort of elf-ish, demon-like being. Who thinks that way? Madness. This book is full of mad, estranged thoughts that I have yet to put together in my mind. I know what some may be thinking, "Morgan. Quit being judgmental. You did not live in that time, you do not understand what hardships she went through." I get it. There was no line between religion and law back then, I know that much.

Maybe it is just the way she uses her daughter as a walking symbol of her "sin" is what makes me not enjoy Hester as I should. She somewhat exploits her, even though she is the product of her wrong doing; she just takes it a bit too extreme. Making her standout even more than she already does is definitely going to make life a bit more difficult than what it will be. Like usual, I always judge a book that I am halfway finished with; hoping that I am proven wrong by the end of the novel. (I was completely on point with Catcher in the Rye, just to clear that up.)  

Judging mid-novel is a nasty habit; I most definitely do not recommend it whatsoever. 



Jordan Dane said...

Loved Emma Stone in Easy A, but yes, it's nothing like The Scarlett Letter. Ha! I get frustrated with period pieces where women appear like doormats, but that's the culture and the time period difference. Maddening. Makes me appreciate how far we've come, yet we still have a way to go for equality.

Who the hell was your concert dude?

Anonymous said...

I have no idea! I bet we'll meet again some day, haha!