Once school ended, I made a second discovery; they have a vlog. John and Hank have been entertaining me ever since. These men are insane, and I love it. I've finished Looking For Alaska, gave me an emotional breakdown beeteedubs, and it was fantastic. It is now on my top ten most favorite books list. TFiOS will be started soon, but I do not know if I'm prepared for it yet. If you have read it, do not dare speak of it in front of me.
John's on paternity leave, which is amazing, but he usually posts on Tuesdays, and Hank on Friday. John's obsession with Tumblr makes me feel normal, and Hank's rants in less than five minutes make me role with laughter.
Now, my mommy dearest is concerned about how much time I spend on the internet watching said videos, and the growing stacks of books in my room. My mother, in all her glory, will never understand my strange attachment to an infinite number of authors, but at least she's open to the idea of me swooning over new books instead of my lifeguard neighbor. (Her love of Stephen King is growing, so that means that we're best friends now.) She's just happy that I have moved on to authors who are still alive... We had a few issues during my Poe and Hemingway phase, but everyone survived; no worries.
Oh, did I mention Lex started another project? Bearded Book Reviews is her latest brainchild that I am happy to be apart of. We are planning on reading the latest books and sharing in a very opinionated way how we feel about them. I am not the head of this state, so if you have any questions about it ask my dear cousin when you get the chance.
Excellent post, Morgan. Does this new book review endeavor require you and Lexi to grow facial hair? #bighairydeal
What's this about a life guard neighbor? hmmmmmm?
You betcha! ;) kiss kiss, mean it.
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